
Thursday 28 November 2013

Decision Making

Day 2 in the Life Education van with Ben. As we continued our learning, we moved from alcohol to decision making in life.  Today we learnt how people decide to do things. For example, people choosing to drink or not. We learnt that if people drink alcohol it creates fake Gaba a feeling that makes them happy. After learning about Gaba and alcohol we discussed about choices and decisions.

Before making a choice of decision you have to get information, see what influences you and think about the consequences. After learning about decisions we watched a little video about Anna.
She has to decide whether  to go to the skate park with her friends or pick up her sister like she said. She ends up going with her friends instead. When they get there, they up with some other friends. They pull out a packet of cigarette and asks Anna if she wants one. She has another decision to make whether to smoke it or not.  What do you think she will do? We will continue watching the video tomorrow at our next lesson.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Our Body System

We learnt a lot of interesting facts in the Life Education van from Ben and Harold the giraffe.

Our Body

Intestines, Brains, Heart, Lungs, Kidney, Spinal Cord, Stomach and Livers are all part of our bodies. They all have special things to do. Amazing right. I never thought that these organs do so  much for us.

Like intestines, they squeeze all the food we eat and send it out to our blood. Same goes with our heart, it tilts to our left and now our lungs are uneven to make space for it. Our left lung is a bit smaller than our right lung. Or our kidney is like our sophisticated trash collector. The kidneys main job is to clean out our blood and removes liquid waste from our body which turns into urines (wee). Also our spinal cord helps us move around in any sort of ways.


If people drink alcohol there could be a chance that there will an accident.
Like a car crash or death… Alcohol is bad for our body. It can slow all the messages that the brain sends. It will be harder for the heart to function blood around our body. It will be a longer process for the liver to clean out the alcohol from body. But we can’t stop others from because it is their choice, but we can help if there is a problem.

When someone is too drunk we must check their pulse to see if there heart is beating slow or fast. We should also take away their alcohol. We should always lie them on the side so they don’t choke on their vomit and die. We should also never let fall asleep because their brain might shut down...